Hello, there.

My name is Raimu Yumiki.
You can call me GV. I am 22 years old Hentai artist, mostly drawing male characters.
I have low energy and constantly sleep late -> around 2 a.m.My hobby is drawing hentai (anime-styled porn), sfw arts, OCs, making story plots, listening to music, playing games, and cycling as my main sport! ^^

  • She/her, heterosexual,

  • Genshin Asia AR56, Raiden & Xiao main,

  • ENFJ 3w4, Sagittarius

  • Indonesian, can speak English and Japanese

Follow at your own risk, if you are:

  • Minors (below 18),

  • Anti-shippers, I draw lots of ships

  • Disliking NSFW contents,

  • Twitter police, (Hentai is also porn, so you shouldn't expect anything hentai to always be morally aligned with yours)

  • "Fiction 100% reflects reality" person. (Genuinely have no science backing me up, but I believe that it reflects less than 50% because it's subjective)

FYI, My political stances are:

  • I support LGBTQIA+

  • Fiction does not represent reality, only represent the creator's mind.

  • Fictional sexualization is okay.

  • Everything that comes from someone's mouth is always an opinion with differences in value according to their expertise, and it still needs to be evaluated and verified before agreeing.

  • Put myself in others' shoes even if they don't even bother to do the same to me.

  • Be proof-oriented.

  • I don't think it's wrong to be religious, freedom is for everyone no buts.

  • Do not tell others what to do with their life or opinion, because I can only control my action.

  • Respect differences in culture and beliefs, even though they may sound absurd, and challenge my mindset.

  • I won't debate other countries' political issues

  • I won't debate on the internet unless I think it's worth my time, energy, and effort put.

I will not be responsible for any discomfort u experience, and neither should u feel responsible for my discomfort, after following.


Manhwa, mostly Shoujo or Josei smut that is not cliche

  • Wake up, Warrior (Reverse Harem), a very non-cliche reverse harem where the FMC ended with all male leads equally.

  • Master Villainess the Invincible! (Action), FMC is special and imperfect, but also show us why she deserve her talent, instead of being damsel in distress.

  • Guardians of the Lamb (Psychological), PLOT PLOT PLOT of occult and its damage to victim's mentality.

  • Amina of the Lamp (Isekai), lore heavy inspired by egyptian/arab.

  • Lady & Maid (Reverse Harem, smut), EVERYTHING AT ONCE, inspired me to make my twitter.

  • Your Secret Keeper (smut),BDSM femdom switch and less drama compare to others smut manhwa.

  • Screengrab (smut), very degenerate, ngl I can relate with the FMC sometimes.


EN/ID Vtuber

  • Shxtou, The Godfather of Male Bottom Vtuber, soft boy TM

  • Vox Akuma, malding king and kink, has big heart

  • Merryweather, dog boy, very wholesome

  • Kobo Kanaeru, whatever the fuck going on inside her one braincell

  • Shu Yamino, nerd amino, op valorant player

  • Mysta Rias, chaos.